Dates for this event

Jul 4, 2026
Jul 5, 2026
Jul 6, 2026
Jul 7, 2026

Ticonderoga 250th Real Time Revolution: Return Of An Army

July 4  - July 7
See More Dates

Real Time Revolution in 2026

Celebrate 250 years of the United States of America. This event will portray the retreat of the Northern Continental Army to Ticonderoga as the Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia. The maritime arrival and encampment of the Continental Army will show the nadir of this Army, from which their labor would lead to a key Victory in 1776. Fort Ticonderoga is open 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Details to be announced.


102 Fort Ti Road, Ticonderoga, 12883
(518) 585-2821


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